Eat Healthy Stay Happy
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Our Story

After my husband underwent a triple by-pass, we tried to change his already very healthy diet to even healthier. We had a hard time in finding the right foods. The conventional beliefs is that fats are bad especially for people with heart diseases. However, recent research had found that fats in fact are supposedly good for you and do not contribute to high cholesterol and blood sugar (Dr. Mark Hyman), but carbohydrates do. And then there is the China Study which concluded that a plant-based diet can alleviate most of the diseases such as high blood sugar, high cholesterol, high blood pressure etc (PlantPure Nation). All these different and opposing information and controversies are confusing and can hardly help a person trying to recuperate from a major surgery.

Six months after surgery and under Statin regimen, my husband took a lipid panel test. The results were scary; his total cholesterol was very high especially his LDL level. The doctor put him on a stronger Statin drug which gives him a lot of side effects. My husband decided to go into a primarily plant-based diet and give up carbohydrates. The problem is that not eating carbohydrates means no bread, no rice, no noodles etc. And a vegan diet means no meat. What is basically left to eat is just vegetables, eggs (yes, he still eats eggs), beans, nuts and selected fruits. He lost 8 lbs in 5 days.

Everyday, we find it so challenging to find quality foods for my husband's limited diet. At the same time, we find many small start-up US owned companies producing quality products which need help to bring to the market. It is for this reason that we start our company Health & Gourmet. We hope to provide great quality real foods to people who love their bodies and treasure their health. We wish you good eating and stay healthy.